The Connecting Factor Between You and Allah
The Sila Initiative · The Connecting Factor Between You and Allah | Audio Article بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم The following essay is a transcript of an interview of Dr. Fareeha
The Sila Initiative · The Connecting Factor Between You and Allah | Audio Article بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم The following essay is a transcript of an interview of Dr. Fareeha
A motivational discussion with Ustadha Sulma Badrudduja, author of “Guiding Children to Their True Purpose”, in our first Not-a-Whole-Book club session. Her article clarifies the great potential parents have in forming their children’s understanding of the reality of this world and their purpose in it. We will discuss Ustadha Sulma’s inspiration for this piece and look at the most basic Qur’anic ideas that parents should never forget to impart to their children.
WEBINAR SERIES DESCRIPTION We all have big questions about how to stay connected and afloat within the alienating currents of the modern age. But we can’t expect the answer in
Question: When I read about the fruits and delights of Paradise, I can’t help but wonder: “That’s nice, but won’t we get bored?” I live a comfortable life with
The Sila Initiative · Ibrahim Alayhi Salam Answer بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Question: I have a difficult time understanding some of the stories narrated about Sayyiduna Ibrahim (Allah grant him