Being Empowered Through Allah Against Sexual Impropriety and Exploitation
Recently, a woman needed an official document signed by a government official. She was lucky enough to get in touch with a high-level official who kindly offered to help her,
Embrace the social teachings of Islam by rethinking modern individualism.
Embrace the social teachings of Islam by rethinking modern individualism.
Recently, a woman needed an official document signed by a government official. She was lucky enough to get in touch with a high-level official who kindly offered to help her,
Recently, a woman needed an official document signed by a government official. She was lucky enough to get in touch with a high-level official who kindly offered to help her, asking her to come at a certain time to the administrative office so he could take care of her need. After she arrived and went through security, she was led to the building where the official’s office was.
Imam al-Ghazali, the renowned 11th-century scholar of the outward and inward Islamic sciences, was known by his contemporaries as Hujjat al-Islam, the living proof of the religion itself, and then
Al-Fadl b. ‘Abbas rode behind the Prophet ﷺ as his companion on the back portion of his camel on the Day of Nahr (during Hajj) and al-Fadl was a handsome
What is a Muslim man expected to do when he gets married? How about a Muslim woman? These questions were more easily understood and accepted in earlier times, particularly in healthy Muslim societies that had holistic understandings of God’s place in the picture of Muslim family life.
Is there room for “self-expression” in my wearing of hijab? I see some Muslims condemning hijabi fashion writers, for instance, and I don’t understand why. If my body is covered as it should be, what is the problem with doing it in a way that expresses my personality
Question: When I read about the fruits and delights of Paradise, I can’t help but wonder: “That’s nice, but won’t we get bored?” I live a comfortable life with
The Sila Initiative · Ibrahim Alayhi Salam Answer بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Question: I have a difficult time understanding some of the stories narrated about Sayyiduna Ibrahim (Allah grant him
The Sila Initiative · Deen Of Old Women | Audio Article بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Question: I find the idea of being an old woman depressing, and hope to die
Question: I’ve recently suffered a terrible loss and am having a hard time coping. The advice I am finding online is all about self-care, being entitled to my feelings, etc.
The Sila Initiative · Balancing Activism with Personal Responsibility Standing for social justice is a religious duty. But one has to take care of one’s personal responsibilities to family and
The Sila Initiative · Balancing Activism with Personal Responsibility Standing for social justice is a religious duty. But one has to take care of one’s personal responsibilities to family and
From narrations of the Prophetic Traditions, we see that among those the Qur’an benefits are: the one who recites even a single letter; the one who recites well and
Many of the goals that underpin our society (e.g. freedom) come from classical liberalism and are not aligned with our goal as Muslims of submission to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.