Understanding Imam al-Ghazali’s Teachings on the Upbringing of Children: A Modern Perspective


  قَالَ سهل أصولنا سَبْعَة أَشْيَاء التَّمَسُّك بِكِتَاب الله تَعَالَى والاقتداء بِسنة رَسُوله صلى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسلم وَأكل الْحَلَال وكف الْأَذَى وَاجْتنَاب الآثام وَالتَّوْبَة وَأَدَاء الْحُقُوق


“Our principles are seven matters: Holding fast to the book of Allah, carefully following the way of His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, eating halal, holding back from harm, shunning sinful actions, repenting, and fulfilling rights.”


When a child has been brought up with Imam al-Ghazali’s approach – that is, with the conviction that they are from Allah, belong to Him, and will return to Him – then Imam Sahl’s principles for their life journey fall easily into place, with Allah’s will. This is because, by Allah’s grace and through the sincere effort of their parents, the foundations for true success had been established through the way they were raised as children. May Allah bless us to follow the advice of these models of the Prophetic way.



(From the Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din of Imam al-Ghazali) [2]

An exposition of the way in which young children should be disciplined, and the manner of their upbringing and the improvement of their character.


[1] بيان الطريق في رياضة الصبيان في أول النشوء ووجه تأديبهم وتحسين أخلاقهم.

[2] This excerpt is from Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din, (The Third Quarter on Things That Destroy (Rub‘ al-Muhlikat); Book of Training the Self, Beautifying Character, and Curing the Diseases of the Heart; Exposition on the Way of Training Children in the Beginning of Childhood, the Manner of Their Education, and Refining Their Character. Al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid, Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din. Jeddah: Dar al-Minhaj, 2011, vol. 5, p. 254-262). This excellent translation of the excerpt is taken with kind permission from the Jerrahi Order of America (see: https://jerrahi.org/articles/imam_al_ghazali_education). Note from the translators at the Jerrahi Order: “The passage which we offer here is—to the best of our knowledge—the only rendering in a European language of bayan 10 of the Book 22 of al-Ghazali’s greatest work, the Revival of the Religious Sciences (Ihya’ ‘ulum al’din). The whole Ihya’ is a didactic work, a vast sermon on the worthlessness of this world and the necessity of deepening the externals of religion by means of Sufism. But while many sections of the Ihya’ are given over to examining the training (tarbiya) of mystical aspirants, only one substantial passage treats of the upbringing of children.”

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