We all have big questions about how to stay connected and afloat within the alienating currents of the modern age. But we can’t expect the answer in a tweet!
The first command to us was “Read! In the Name of your Lord,” and so that is what we are setting out to do in this webinar series.
In our “Not a Whole Book”© Club, we read articles or short excerpts of books (~5-20 pages), and then have a conversation about what we can take away from the pages we’ve read.
The reading selections help us see how to reconnect those things that “Allah has commanded to be joined” (13:21). Each selection focuses on a particular sila, or connection/relationship, that is important for us to maintain. The readings will be made available on our site well before the online discussion session.
You can join the discussion session without doing the reading as well. But of course, the webinar discussion will be more edifying and engaging if you sit down with a cup of tea and do the reading beforehand!
All Sila events are open to both men and women (unless specified).