Believing Women & the Prophet ﷺ

Allah, Most High, enjoins the Prophet (may Allah send peace and blessings upon him): “Say, (O Muhammad, to mankind): If ye love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.” (3:31)

What does it mean to follow the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him? How can we incorporate the Sunnah in our lives to attain Allah’s love and pleasure? Join us for our next Q&R session with Ustadha Umm Sahl, an experienced and knowledgeable female scholar, to get insights and answers to your personal questions.

Questions Answered:

  1. How do we increase the love of Prophet SAW?
  2. How can we bring our claim of loving the prophet (SAW) into our marriages practically?
  3. Is it good to allow our children to listen to online books?
  4. I don’t understand the concept of tariqa. How does one know when one is ready. How does it help in walking on our path to Allah.
  5. I was wondering if you could comment about a specific instance from the life of Rasulullah salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. (From what I recall) when he had been approached by the women of Madina with the complaint of wife beating, he had initially asked the men to not beat their wives. But then the ayah came down that as a last step, men could hit their wives for disciplinary purposes. Could you comment on the apparent “discrepancy” between what the Prophet initially said, and the hukm sent down in 4:34? What do we learn about the Prophet through this incident, and what do we learn about the permissibility of hitting?
  6. I find it difficult to emulate one of my favorite characteristics of the Prophet (SAW), that of being non-judgmental, and overlooking the faults of others. How can we become less affected by the ugly traits of those around us while treating them with compassion at the same time?
  7. I wish to take the tariq at the UK suhba in’sha’Allah. I was wondering whether it is better to wait until one has a bit of time in the tariq before looking to get married, or whether it is best to marry soon (I am 22). Furthermore, where can one begin to look to find someone pious?
  8. If there is a choice, should I give priority to being in the service of others or performing private acts of worship?
  9. How do we as aspiring sufis best react to insults to the Prophet (saw), like what is done in France, Netherlands, Europe in general and in the US too, in the name of “free secular society” that needs “some distance from religious authority”?
  10. How does one balance studying arabic, fiqh, etc. with one’s dhikr?
  11. How does one deal with people when you give them a reference from the life of Rasul Allah Sallallahu Alayhe Wasallam, they say but he was a prophet and how can we emulate him as he had special powers peace and blessings be upon him. So they don’t even try; in fact they see their transgressions more easily forgiven than trying to follow his way peace and blessings be upon him.
  12. How do you command to the good and forbid evil? i.e. In a practical way. In most instances, I worry that the advice will not be accepted. Or how can you isolate one problem when there are many issues with a person?
  13. My question is what is the difference between QALB and FUAAD, because these two words are used in Quran for heart?
  14. How does one tactfully bring someone very spiritual but non-hijabi towards hijab?
  15. What is the first book of Seerah one should study in Arabic for a student of knowledge?
  16. If a person does tremendous zulm to another and dies seemingly unpunished and the victim generously forgives her, will such a zalim go unpunished?
  17. I once heard that different people are granted differing ziarahs of Rasul Allah alaihisalam depending upon their level of faith. Is this true?
  18. How can one improve their relationship with Allah SWT and create a balance with work and child.


Ustadha Umm Sahl

Born and raised in New Zealand, and of Albanian descent, Ustadha Umm Sahl left with her family to live in Turkey in 1982, where she met her first sheikh in tasawwuf, Ihsan Effendi of Zeytinburnu, Istanbul, whose student she remained until his death in 1991. In 1983, she traveled to Egypt to study Arabic, where she lived for three years. In 1986, she married her husband Nuh Ha Mim Keller and moved to Amman, Jordan. She studied Hanafi Fiqh and hadith terminology with Sheikh Shuayb Arnaut; Hanafi Fiqh and ‘Aqida with Sheikh Ahmad al-Jammal; Tajwid with Sheikh Ibrahim Rumana; and for the last 10 years, she has been studying Tafsir, Arabic grammar, Balagha, and Islamic Inheritance with Sheikh ‘Ali Hani. In 1992, she joined the Shadhili tariqa of Sheikh Abdur-Rahman ash-Shaghouri, and was his student until his death in 2004. At present, she studies and teaches, helps her husband in his translation projects, and the running of the Zawiya of Abul Hasan ash-Shadhili in Amman.


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